Oncologist researcher makes conference debut with help of JHMRF

December 23, 2015

Fiona-Taylor-500Dr Fiona Taylor attended the 13th British Thoracic Oncology Group Conference in Dublin earlier this year supported by the JHMRF.  Dr Taylor is training to be an oncologist at the University of Sheffield. The three-day conference brought together a range of people involved in mesothelioma or lung cancer research, care or treatment.  Over 650 delegates attended including doctors, nurses, pharmacists and scientists.

“The conference was an excellent experience for me,” said Dr Taylor.  “It was packed full of educational and interesting talks.  I presented an idea for a clinical trial for the treatment of people with mesothelioma, to an audience of about 250.

“I had not stepped onto a podium in front of such a large number of people before, and to my surprise I did not feel too nervous beforehand!  I  was very pleased to make contacts that will enable me to progress the trial.”

Dr Taylor also presented a poster, describing her review of how people with mesothelioma in South Yorkshire responded to chemotherapy and what side effects they had.

“I am grateful to the June Hancock Mesothelioma Research Fund for giving me the opportunity to attend this conference.  I learnt a lot and I was able to present my trial idea and poster to a large number of people.”