How to donate

Donate online

Click the logo to donate
You can donate online through our Virgin Money Giving account by either a one off donation or by setting up a recurring payment.

Donate by text

Simply text JHMR00 £2/£5/£10 to 70070 to donate now.
e.g. JHMR00 £5
(Please note that ‘00’ are numbers not letters)

Donate by post

If you are a UK tax payer please download our Gift Aid Form and send it along with your donation. This allow the Fund to reclaim the tax you have paid on your donations.

Please make any cheques payable to: ‘The June Hancock Mesothelioma Research Fund’ and send to the following address:

Adrian Budgen, The June Hancock Mesothelioma Research Fund
c/o Irwin Mitchell Solicitors
Personal Injury Department – Irwin Mitchell
Riverside East
2 Millsands
Sheffield, S3 8DT

Also please include a note about yourself and your address/email so we can include it for our records.