Other useful contacts


Mesothelioma UK

Provides impartial up-to-date information for patients diagnosed with Mesothelioma and their carers
T: 0800 169 2409  E: mesothelioma.uk@uhl-tr.nhs.uk

British Lung Foundation

BLF Helpline: 03000 030 555

Leeds Thoracic Surgery

Not specific to mesothelioma; describes investigations and procedures faced by patients.

Macmillan Cancer Support

Supports and develops services providing specialist care for people with cancer.
Macmillan Support Line: 0808 808 0000

Macmillan Financial Guidance Service

Provides free, independent guidance and support to people affected by cancer to enable them to make good financial decisions in areas such as mortgages, insurance, estate planning and pensions, including options for early retirement.
E: financialguidance@macmillan.org.uk


Hazards is an online information resource aiming to reduce occupational and environmental hazards.


Therapy Directory

Therapy Directory is dedicated to putting individuals who are searching for a complementary/alternative practitioner, in touch with a professional who is both qualified and suitable for their needs.
T: 0844 8030 245  www.therapy-directory.org.uk

JHMRF does not specifically endorse or recommend any of the therapies or practitioners listed on this website. If you are unsure about a complementary or alternative therapy we suggest you seek the advice of your GP or hospital doctor, or your specialist or practice nurse before you make an appointment.

Travel Insurance

We have been contacted by a patient who praised the services and costs of a travel company called InsureCancer (Medi TravelCover Ltd). Having made many calls to travel companies, this family were pleased to receive a quotation that was reasonable, and meant that the whole family could go away on holiday together. They wanted to share their experience with other patients and families. The telephone number is 01252 780190.

Counselling Directory

A website set up to help you search for a counsellor or psychotherapist near you.

JHMRF does not specifically endorse or recommend any of the practitioners listed on this website.


Macmillan Cancer Support

Supports and develops services providing specialist care for people with cancer.
Macmillan Support Line: 0808 808 0000


Tenovus Cancer Information Center

Freephone helpline: 0808 808 1010

Northern Ireland

The Ulster Cancer Foundation

Helpline: 0289 066 3439

Republic if Ireland

Irish Cancer Society

Helpline: 1800 200 700